Awareness. Now that it’s mid-October, we’re pretty sure you’ve heard this buzzword quite frequently. What does it even mean anyway? One definition says it’s “to be conscious of”. Conscious of Down syndrome? Most people know that Down syndrome exists, so maybe a better way to describe what we try to achieve in October is an understanding of Down syndrome. For those who don’t have an intimate connection, there is often misunderstanding about what Down syndrome is. And what it is not.
Down syndrome does not equal “angelic” or “happy all the time”. While the sentiment is well-meaning, it’s just not true – people with Down syndrome experience the same emotions as everyone else. They are sad and glad and mad…and sometimes all within the same hour. Just like everyone else.
Down syndrome does not mean being incapable of learning. People with Down syndrome are lifelong learners – just like everyone else. The understanding we want to convey is this: Down syndrome is just a part of who a person is. They each have unique gifts and personalities; strengths and weaknesses; likes and dislikes. They are More Alike Than Different. Of course we all know that, but it is incumbent upon us to help others understand it. So, thank you all for your energy and hard work devoted to making this October the best one yet when it comes to creating awareness and understanding!
borrowed from the National Down Syndrome Congress Communicator, October 2011
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