Information Technology: Not Just a Convenience |
07/11/2016 |
Among the most common unattributed quotes about technology’s impact on the lives of people with disabilities is
“For people without disabilities, technology makes things easier. For people with disabilities, technology makes things possible.” This wise, simple statement has been used over the years in many accessibility speeches and articles to emphasize how access to information technology is not just a convenience for the estimated 54 million Americans with disabilities, it is a necessity and a civil right. However, in order for people with disabilities to be able to use assistive technology’s to access online resources for employment, education and commerce and lead lives of independence depends upon content developers making their information and communications technology accessible. Below are key resources to help public entities meet their responsibilities for accessibility of information and communications technology. is a project of the Great Lakes ADA Center and the Pacific ADA Center to promote full and unrestricted participation in business and society by persons with disabilities through the use of electronic information technology that is universally accessible. Listed below are Accessible tech’s Top Five Technology FAQs that reflect national trends with accessibility.
What is the Status of the Section 508 Standards and Guidelines Refresh? What is accessible electronic & information technology? Increasing the accessibility of technology in your business How does accessible web design benefit all web users?
Listed below are a few upcoming free webinars on accessible technology.
The latest archived webinar about electronic information and communications technology in the workplace, The Importance of Accessibility in Disability Employment is now available to view. Three leading Texas resources for information on how public entities can make their websites accessible are:
The Governor’s Committee on People with Disabilities (Committee) provides GovDelivery updates for informational purposes on a variety of disability related issues for a diverse audience. Updates may include information provided by external sources. The inclusion of this external information does not constitute an official endorsement or approval by the Committee or the Office of the Governor of any information, policy, product, or service offered by an external source. |
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