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Something to DO
12/21 Ticket to Work Webinar
BVCIL Holiday Party – December 2nd
Shake Out! Texas Earthquake Drill
Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living participated in one of the largest earthquake drills in the world. Everyone in the building participated and was ready to stay safe no matter where they were! You can find out more information by following the link below.
September 6, 2016 BiMonthly Job Fair
National Disability Voter Registration Week
July 11-15, 2016
The REV UP Campaign is coordinating a National Disability Voter Registration Week to increase the political power of people with disabilities while also engaging candidates and the media to recognize the disability community.
On May 24th, we held an Organizing & Training Webinar to help prepare for National Disability Voter Registration Week. The purpose of the webinar was to aid organizers across the country to hold their own voter registration events – both physically and online – to increase the number of people with disabilities who are registered to vote and ultimately the number of people with disabilities who cast their ballots on election day this November and in future elections.
View the captioned recording of the webinar here.
Ways to Participate in National Disability Voter Registration Week
- Hold a press event or conference with local partners to announce national and local efforts to get new people with disabilities registered to vote, educated on disability issues, and committed to get out the DISABILITY VOTE. If possible, coordinate multiple sites around your state to host press events at the same time.
- Organize a rally of voters with disabilities and disability advocates to promote the REV UP message and the power of the DISABILITY VOTE.
- Write letters to the editor or Op-Eds and engage local radio or TV stations on the growing efforts by the disability community to become an influential voice in electoral politics this November and beyond.
- Utilize your mail, email, and social media networks to provide information on voter registration and relevant disability issues in your area while also encouraging people to commit to vote on Election Day.
- Host a workshop or training on state voter registration rules as well as your rights as a person with a disability.
- Collect Data on voters with disabilities in your area – this will help us build a broader movement to show the power of the disability voting bloc.
- Include REV UP and voter registration tables at upcoming events (especially any events around the 26th anniversary of the ADA).
- Connect with other disability rights and voting rights organizations in your area.
- Make your organization a polling place (Resources: How To Serve As A Polling Site and ADA Polling Place Checklist).
- Go to your City Council, County Commissioner, State Representative, etc. to get the week of 7/11 – 7/15 declared DISABILITY VOTER REGISTRATION WEEK (a draft Resolution is available here).
National Disability Voter Registration Week – Promotional Flyers
The REV UP Campaign aims to increase the political power of the disability community while also engaging candidates and the media on disability issues.REV UP stands for Register! Educate! Vote! Use your Power!
Thank you for doing your part to make the DISABILITY VOTE count!
VOTE as if your life depends on it—Because it DOES!