Help Desk Phone Number: (979) 484-7114 Call or text for assistance at the event.
Look for the Accessibility Help Desk near a main entrance to the festival. We will also be noted on festival maps! Below is a list of what you will find at the help desk. This is a community service brought to you by the Brazos Valley Center for Independent Living. Please stop by and say, ‘howdy!’
- Information about:
- Accessible parking;
- Transportation options;
- Restrooms;
- Exit routes;
- Accessible routes;
- Where to find gluten-free food options;
- General festival questions; and
- BVCIL services.
- Materials in alternate formats:
- Tactile maps; and
- Braille schedules.
- Concierge services/items including:
- Long, bendable straws;
- Wheelchair charging;
- Loaner wheelchairs and walkers;
- Various assistive technologies;
- Service animal relief area;
- Fanned resting area;
- Transportation; and
- Designated-driver services.
- On-site services:
- Sighted-guides;
- Sign Language Interpreting for general needs;
- Sign Language Interpreting for concerts (requests must be made 72-hours before the desired concert start time); and
- Personal Attendants for mobility, shopping, and eating assistance.
The BVCIL tries to meet all needs of guests to the festival that may have a life-long disability, a short-term disability, or a reaction to the weather and/or their surroundings at the event (i.e., weakness/fatigue, lowering stress due to surroundings, on-site injury that is not an emergency, etc.). Our goal is to provide equal access for all guests to enjoy the festival to the fullest capacity. The BVCIL is happy to serve our community as a service sponsor and an advocate at this event.
The BVCIL is a consumer-based, consumer-controlled, cross-disability, cross-cultural, non-residential, private nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation. BVCIL’s mission is to promote the full inclusion and participation of individuals with disabilities in all aspects of community life!